Recently I had the opportunity to travel with Trust No One to Arizona for Arizona Bike Week. While I was there I had the opportunity to capture some amazing photographs that really pushed me as a photographer both creatively and technically. Over my next few blogs I will show some of the photographs I captured and explain some of the technical and artistic aspects of the shots I took while in Arizona.
On the way out we drove in an RV down through Texas and over through New Mexico into Arizona. In Texas we came across an awe inspiring storm and I was able to capture this shot squeezing between Erik in the driver seat and Alyssa in the passenger seat. Being in a moving vehicle and shooting moving clouds I needed to make sure my shutter speed was fast. I was shooting with my Canon 85mm F/1.2 L series lens. I set my aperture to 1.2 and increased my iso a bit so I could shoot at a faster shutter speed to ensure my photo wouldn't be blurry. I wanted to show the intense rain and wind on the right but still show the road and use that as the focus of the image. I framed the center lines of the road coming out of the bottom corner of the shot and leading to center to draw your eyes into the storm and sunset.
As we came out of New Mexico we came through the mountains and into Arizona. I was able to capture this one as we drove down into Phoenix. Same concepts as the last shot I needed to ensure I wouldn't have much blur. This was easier as there was more available light and shutter speed wasn't an issue. I loved the windy road coming down the mountain and of course those mountains framing the valley with our path cutting down through it.
We got into town and setup the Trust No One booth and got the RV settled in for the night. Erik took out his newly painted American Iron Horse and I got some shots of it as the sun started to set. This first shot was more to show the silhouette of the bike and the intensity of the sun. It isn't my favorite shot but I wanted to capture the idea that we are in the desert and the sun was hot. The other shots were more to show off Erik's awesome new paint job on his bike. I also captured some detailed shots of the paint job.
Stay tuned over the next few blogs I will continue with the rest of our days in Arizona with some model shoots and my awesome opportunity to shoot Korn.
Please continue the story! I bet there’s some amazing photos from the rest of your trip.
Thank you for what you do!
Of course…I love the bike and the journey!!